The Legal Voters of the Town of Groton, are hereby warned and notified to meet in the Groton Community Building on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 am., to transact the following business from the floor:
ARTICLE 1 To elect the following Town Officers as provided for by the Public Laws of Vermont:
Moderator One Year Term
Selectboard Member One Year Term
Selectboard Member Three Year Term
Cemetery Commissioner Three Year Term
Constable One Year Term
Library Trustee Three Year Term
Library Trustee Three Year Term
BMU School Board Director One Year Term
BMU School Board Director Three Year Term
ARTICLE 2 To hear the reports of the Town Officers.
ARTICLE 3 Shall the voters authorize payment of property taxes on or before Friday, November 7th, 2025, by physical or electronic delivery to the tax collector before 5:00 PM est., as the deadline for the payment of taxes? (Postmarks are not accepted as a timely payment)
ARTICLE 4 Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to appoint a collector of delinquent taxes pursuant to 17 V.S.A. § 2651d?
ARTICLE 5 Shall the voters authorize the Groton Cemetery Commissioners to use money from the Cemetery Developmental Funds to develop a cremation bank project in the Village Cemetery? (These funds were originally set aside for development of the Riverside Cemetery)
ARTICLE 6 Shall the voters appropriate a total of $1,500 to the following new social service agencies, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 2691?
$1,000 to the Groton Historical Society for preserving Groton’s shared history and making it accessible for research.
$500 to the Mentoring Project of the Upper Valley for fostering meaningful, long-lasting connections that nurture personal growth, academic success, and community involvement.
ARTICLE 7 Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to close the Community Building Property Expansion Reserve Fund ($707.84) and the Constable Durable Equipment Reserve Fund ($6,698.65) and move the balances into the Town Emergency Reserve Fund?
ARTICLE 8 Shall the voters authorize total fund expenditures for operating expenses of $1,292,830 of which $1,034,080 shall be raised by taxes and $258,750 by non-tax revenues?
ARTICLE 9 To discuss any other business proper to come before this meeting, this does not include the expenditure of town funds or other business acted upon in the preceding articles.
Larry Daniels, Selectboard Chair Thomas Page, Selectboard Bobbi Beck, Selectboard