- TH #1 (Powder Spring Rd.) and TH #2 (MinardHill Rd.) have priority followed by school bus routes, then major traffic routes and then we will plow the roads which we feel cause the most problems for the public (traffic volume, steepness) and other roads in the most cost efficient manner.
- The town ofGroton has two full time employees to do this winter maintenance. It takes about six hours to complete plowing after the snow stops. We may vary from above priorities for emergency situations. (fires, ambulance, etc.)
- The town office and fire station lot should be plowed enough to let emergency vehicles in and out and the public in and out during office hours. (parkinglot needs to be empty of vehicles to plow completely.)
- The town will enforce no parking rules at all places where the plow trucks turn around.
- Vehicles parked or abandoned in right-of-way or on town-owned property may be moved at owner’s expense. The Town ofGroton will not be responsible for damage to personal property left in right-of-way.
- No person shall plow or otherwise deposit snow onto the traveled way, shoulder or sidewalk of a class 2 or 3 town highway. (23 VSA § 1126A).
- The town does not plow class 4 roads or private roads.
- After 16 hours on the job we are required to stop operations and get a minimum of 6 hours off.
- Salt will be applied to class 2 paved roads and paved end ofGoodfellow Rd. (5-1) with sand added as necessary. (salt is not effective when road temperature is below 20 degrees).
- Sand will be applied to the gravel roads. (at temperatures below 0° sand, will not stay on the road)
- On nights and weekends there will be a lower level of maintenance to help control costs. In most cases there will be no maintenance between 10pm and 4am.
- Sidewalks are cleaned in the early morning, then again when state and town highway departments are done plowing. This takes about 3-1/2 hours.
🔗 Information About Highway AccessRright of Way Permits and Right of Way Work Permits
🔗 Town of Groton- Municipal Road Erosion and Stream Crossing Inventory and Capital Budget (2015-2019)