1476 Scott Highway
Groton, VT 05046
Phone: 802-584-3131
(fax 802-584-3792)
Town Treasurer & Collector of Current Taxes
Lisa Hart
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Treasurer
Carrie Peters
Hours: Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Treasurer is an elected position; the term is three years. The Assistant Treasurer is appointed by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer maintains the town's accounts, invests money (with approval of the Selectboard), keeps a record of the taxes voted and pays orders drawn.
The Treasurer must work closely with both the Selectboard (which has the authority to draw orders or warrants, borrow in anticipation of taxes, develop the budget and make investment decisions) and with the auditors (who will annually review the finances of the town and report to the voters on the financial status of the town.
Property taxes are paid annually with payment date in November. Taxes should be paid to the Town Treasurer on or before the due date shown on your tax bill. If you are expecting a bill and have not received one, please contact the Treasurer's office immediately.
To pay your taxes online go to: http://www.officialpayments.com