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Voter Registration Information

The Statewide Primary Election will be August 13, 2024. Voting will take place from 10am-7pm at the Groton Community Building.

Democratic Party Sample Ballot

Progressive Party Sample Ballot

Republican Party Sample Ballot


Register to vote with the quick links below or scroll down for more detailed information regarding voter registration and applicable Vermont statutes.

Your Vote is Your Voice! Register to Vote:

 Online at Online Voter Registration 

 By Paper Paper Form

 At Clerk’s Office 1476 Scott Hwy

 My Voter Page : My Voter Page


The My Voter Page is your primary online resource for all election information unique to you. You login to the page using your personal information and once there you may update your registration information, request and track the status of an absentee ballot, locate your polling place, view a sample ballot and listing of candidates for upcoming elections, and more.

Beginning January 1, 2017, eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election.

Registration is available during all normal business hours of your town or city clerk’s office on days preceding the election and during polling hours on Election Day. 17 V.S.A. § 2144

The Online Elections Division will forward applications (and early or absentee ballot requests) to the appropriate town or city clerk for action, but we recommend submitting applications directly to your town or city clerk.

First Time Registering by Mail or Online 

If you are registering to vote in Vermont for the first time by mail or online, you must include a photocopy of an acceptable form of ID. Acceptable forms of ID are:

  • Valid photo ID (driver’s license or passport)
  • Current utility bill
  • Current bank statement
  • Another government document


The Voter’s Oath 

First time Registrants in VT must take the voter’s oath. The oath may be self-administered. You must be 18 to take the oath:

VOTER’S OATH: “You solemnly swear or affirm that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person.” – Vermont Constitution, Chapter II, Section 42

If you have previously voted in Vermont, you do not need to take the voter’s oath again. The oath can be administered by a commissioned military officer or by any other person qualified to administer oaths, any person over the age of 18, or by yourself. You may also take the voter’s oath as an affirmation. You must take the oath before voting by early or absentee ballot.

If you are registering for the first time in Vermont using the Federal Voting Assistance Program’s (FVAP) Federal Postcard Application or another form not specific to Vermont, you must take the voter’s oath. The Vermont voter registration form and the FVAP instructions contain the voter’s oath that must be taken.