Town of Groton, Vermont
Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearing – Readoption of Town Plan
The Town of Groton Planning Commission hereby gives notice pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4441(d) and 4444, that on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 6:30 PM the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed re-adoption of the Groton Town Plan (adopted May 18, 2017) at the Groton Community Center Kitchen Area, 1476 Scott Highway in Groton. The public may also attend this hearing virtually with the meeting link and call-in phone number listed on the meeting’s agenda on the Town’s website.
Statement of Purpose: The current Town Plan expires on May 18, 2025, and the purpose of re-adopting the current Town Plan is to allow for additional time for the Planning Commission to draft a new Town Plan. To meet the requirements of 2018’s Act 171 passed by the State Legislature, the proposed Town Plan for readoption includes a new section, Section 2.9 Forest and Habitat Blocks (page 19). This section includes a map that shows forest blocks and habitat connectors and a paragraph in the Town Plan explaining the importance of these natural places. No other changes have taken place.
The Groton Town Plan can be examined anytime at the Groton Community Center, 1476 Scott Highway, Groton, and is posted to the Town website – www.grotonvt.com
Dated March 18, 2025, Groton Planning Commission