All towns in Vermont require that every dog six months or older be licensed annually by April 1 with the town clerk of the town wherein the dog is kept. To license a dog, you must provide the town clerk with a current rabies certificate, if one is not currently on file. Further information is available in Vermont Statutes [20 V.S.A. § 3581(c)(2)].
The fee Jan. 1st to April 1st for a spayed or neutered animal is $10 and $14 for an intact animal.
Dogs registered late (after April 1) are $15 and $21.
Dogs registered after May 1st are $25 for spayed/neutered and $37 intact animal.
The license tag provided for your dog’s collar serves two important purposes:
- It bears an individual tag number, important information should your pet become lost or stolen.
- For an officer of the law, a current tag documents that your dog is vaccinated for rabies and will not be destroyed.
Licensing your dog with the town clerk each year is a state requirement and a civic duty to ensure the health and safety of the residents of the Town of Groton when dealing with dog issues. The owner of any unlicensed dog will be subject to a fine, impoundment of the dog or both.
If you have already licensed your dog, Thank You. If not, please do so at the Town Office as soon as possible. If unable to make it to office during open hours just drop off the money, updated rabies certificate(if needed) in the mail drop slot next to the Town Clerk’s door. (The entranceway is open 24/7). The license and tag will be mailed back to you.
You may call the office at 802-584-3276 for more information or questions.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.