The cemetery will open on May 1st and close on November 1st. Burials will be performed after the ground has fully thawed in the spring and will cease after November 1st. Any internments to be held after November 1st will be at the discretion of the Sexton.
Flowers, Flags, and Personal Memorabilia
All flowers, natural and artificial, should be removed from the cemeteries by Oct. 1. The flags will remain on the graves until Veteran’s Day in November. Any flowers, plants and flags left in the cemetery may be removed by the maintenance workers.
In order to facilitate mowing and for the long-term stability of the stones, all the monuments will be set on a cement foundation with footings which extend four inches outward from the monument.
Monuments, Cornerstones, Vaults, Urns and Grass Markers
A cemetery official will have the final say on the placement of all monuments, cornerstones, vaults, urns, and grass markers. Cemetery Commissioners will be responsible for placing cornerstones. All monuments will be set on a 4’ (minimum) cement foundation with footings set 4” from the monument. Cremation urns may be interned on any plot with or without existing burials. The addition of a memorial stone is limited to the lot size. The Sexton must be notified of the urn internment and is responsible for the digging and placement, for the location to be officially registered. There is an additional cost for this service. For the number of cremations allowed on the plot, see the current Cemetery Pricing chart. All burial vaults will be made of concrete.
Plantings should be small and low maintenance, nothing that will grow to a size which would impede on the surroundings and the ability to maintain the area. They must be clearly marked and only planted between monuments (not in front or behind) in order to cut grass with trimmers. Should maintenance issues arise, the Cemetery Commissioners will assess the situation and do what is deemed necessary to bring the plot into compliance.
Purchasing Lots in a Groton Cemetery
Lots are for sale containing as few as 1 burial plot and up to 12 plots. Lots sold at resident prices will have the resident’s name only listed as owner on the deed. Non-residents cannot be listed as co-owners on lots purchased at residential prices. The initial of the owner’s last name will be engraved on the cornerstones. There is a price list available through the town clerk.
Specifying Individuals to be Buried in a Lot
At the time of purchase the deed holder can fill out a form that will specify the individuals who can be buried in a specific lot. This document can be notarized and filed with the deed for the current recording fee.
Should a deed holder wish to sell a lot or portion of a lot, they must first sell it back to the town at the same price that it was originally purchased for. Then the town will sell the lot to the new owner based on current pricing. Corner stone for this new lot may not be required if the Commissioners approve.
Please be aware that the only way to securely guarantee who shall be buried in any given lot is for that person to own it. In cases where there might be a family dispute, we suggest that the parties take all steps possible to make clear who shall be allowed to use a lot.
Perpetual Care
Perpetual Care fees cover emergency repair and general upkeep of the cemetery. If you are interested in purchasing a lot in the Groton cemetery, please contact the Town Clerk.
Cemetery Plot Pricing for 2024
# of traditional burial sites
# of cremation sites
Fees include: recording cost $15, cornerstones $140, setting of cornerstones $60 and administrative costs $15. The cost of grave and cremation urn preparation is set by the contractor at the time of service.
Plots must be paid in full at the time of purchase.